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Wall Street Advisor Recommends Bug Out Bags

Posted on 30 December 2013 by admin

Are bug out bags a good idea? A respected Wall Street Advisor not only thinks so, but highly recommends that you get one ASAP.

SOURCE: Washington Examiner, Author Paul Bedard


Source: Marotta Wealth Management


A top financial advisor, worried that Obamacare, the NSA spying scandal and spiraling national debt is increasing the chances for a fiscal and social disaster, is recommending that Americans prepare a “bug-out bag” that includes food, a gun and ammo to help them stay alive.

David John Marotta, a Wall Street expert and financial advisor and Forbes contributor, said in a note to investors, “Firearms are the last item on the list, but they are on the list. There are some terrible people in this world. And you are safer when your trusted neighbors have firearms.”

His memo is part of a series addressing the potential for a “financial apocalypse.” His view, however, is that the problems plaguing the country won”t result in armageddon. “There is the possibility of a precipitous decline, although a long and drawn out malaise is much more likely,” said the Charlottesville, Va.-based president of Marotta Wealth Management.

Marotta said that many clients fear an end-of-the-world scenario. He doesn’t agree with that outcome, but does with much of what has people worried.

“I, along with many other economists, agree with many of the concerns expressed in these dire warnings. The growing debt deficit spending is a tax on those holding dollars. The devaluation in the U.S. dollar risks the dollar”s status as the reserve currency of the world. Obamacare was the worst legislation in the past 75 years. Socialism is on the rise and the NSA really is abrogating vast portions of the Constitution. I don”t disagree with their concerns,” he wrote.

In his latest note, he said that Americans should have a survival kit to take in case of a financial or natural disaster. It should be filled with items that will help them stay alive for the first 72-hours of a crisis, including firearms.

“A bug-out bag is a good idea depending on where you live even if the emergency is just power outages, earthquakes and hurricanes. And with your preparedness you will be equipped to help others who might be in need,” he wrote. “Be prepared. Especially because it keeps you from being scared.”

He provided a list of items and even a link to bug-out bags on Amazon.

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The Folding Knife

Posted on 25 February 2013 by duracles

One of the primary tools for the Survivalist is the Folding Knife. This is used for food preparation, as pry bar, screw driver, box opener and self-defense weapon. In most cases, the Urban Survivalist will use it to open mail, packages, and to cut twine. The country counterpart will use it to whittle, cut rope, prepare food, or even dress game. In a full on survival situation, a person could find themselves prying a screen off a window, or forcing a lock, cutting clothing from an injured person, or finishing off injured game. Possibly digging a hidden item out of the ground, using as a tool to make other tools or weapons, or using it as a last ditch defensive weapon. Definition of the “full on survival situation” would be any situation where the tool needed is critical; meaning that its failure would be devastating or catastrophic. To prevent this and to educate folks new to survival preparations as well as self-defense I would like to go over selection, materials, types, and carry of the survival folding knife.

folding knives

Image courtesy of [image creator name] / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

First, the knife must be of a legal to carry length. For instance in Colorado, the statewide legal length from guard to tip is 3.5 inches with a single edge. Ballisong, switchblades, gravity knives, double edged and ballistic knives are illegal weapons in Colorado. You do not want to get caught carrying an illegal knife period. You could end up in court with an illegal weapon charge, and if you have to actually use the knife in self-defense the first thing to be used against you would be that it is a illegal size or type. Also, if you have a job or are walking through a metal detector and accidentally forget it is there you won”t be arrested, fired, or at the least lose your survival tool to the authorities. Some states have laws regarding when, how, and where you carry and also rules regarding concealment. Keep this in mind as it is very important, especially in extreme circumstances as mentioned above or in cases of martial law, evacuation, or even during routine police stops.

Secondly, we need to consider type after we have established the legal guide lines. The most versatile types must be considered. It needs to be quick to access, easy to find in darkness, easy to identify by feel, and safe to carry. It also must not fall off, drop out of the pocket, or be too obvious or cumbersome. You want it to blend in, but not so much that you cannot get to it in an urgent moment of need. Most modern folding knives have some sort of clip that is mounted to the handle of the knife. They should be steel, and riveted or screwed to the knife. Glue will not do! Folding knives stored in a sheath are much slower to get to although you may want to carry a second one as back-up this way. The knife should be designed with your “handed-ness” in mind. Meaning if you are right hand dominant, it needs to be worn on the right and so on. Also most modern folding knives have legal thumb studs or other apparatus to thumb or finger the blade open. Go to a dealer and try as many as you can, do not just order the latest and greatest without trying it first. Narrow it down to 2-3 types you are comfortable and consistent with.

When you have established what types are easiest for you to access and open, then you need to consider the materials it is made from. If you are purchasing the knife from an established manufacturer, you should be able to go on-line or in a catalog and find the brand, model, and specifications. You will see specs for length, weight, blade material, handle material, lock type, and possibly Rockwell hardness and grind. If you are indeed buying from a well known manufacturer, basically you want to narrow the blade material down, as well as warranty. All the other details, while important, are lower priorities. Most blades are more or less rust resistant depending on grade, and are harder or softer so will be harder or easier to sharpen and hold an edge. The harder steel is not necessarily the better grade however! If you are really hung up on this, educate yourself on knife steel grades at the library with books written in 2005 and up. Ideally you will want to know if it is rust resistant, rust proof, or if you will need to oil it regularly. This is important for those who will use it hunting, preparing food, boating, in wet climates, and such on a regular day-to-day basis. This may also affect the handle material choices.

Once you have analyzed your needs based on use, climate and personal preferences you want to consider your budget. This is where people really blow it. I managed two knife stores for a total of 11 years, and also collect and work gun shows time to time. I have seen so many people get fixated on price, then go for a “cheap” knife. A really good dependable knife will cost you between $80 and $350 dollars with most being about $150 USD (2008). If you plan, and only purchase one good folder this cost will be mitigated. For the Survivalist this budget is important as you have many other needs and equipment to purchase. The wise minded survivalist will get the best he can afford. You will want to consider the warranty again, and the history of reliability from this manufacturer. Go on-line to various knife forums and see what people say. Also, talk to local vendors and emergency personnel including police, military and fire rescue. They usually get the good gear and have experience using it.

Lastly, when looking at knives for your personal survival tool, consider how it will be used. It must be thick, strong, sturdy, have a safe locking mechanism, sharp, easy to sharpen, easy to safely grip, and designed with function in mind. Do not get side-tracked about how it looks or how cool it is. Also, it must be able to perform many tasks. Do not forget that this may be the last ditch defensive weapon or the ONLY weapon you have to defend yourself from attack. It may be multiple two-legged assailants or a dog, or possibly it will be used to fight your way to your firearm or other defensive tool. It may be used to skin and dress game, dispatch wounded animals, make a temporary wilderness shelter, used to make other tools and weapons, and so on. This is really the crux of a survival knife, let alone a folding pocket knife. Ideally you will have a bigger fixed bladed knife, but on a day-to-day basis will you really carry a 6 inch fixed blade to work in your briefcase or purse? Most of us will say no. Also, in step with preparedness in general it is important to have equipment on you while you do your daily travels, work, and leisure activities. We really cannot predict when something bad will happen so we must always be ready.

After you have purchased your knife, make sure the screws on the clip are tight but don”t over tighten. Also you will want to practice drawing and opening your knife. Do not rely on “flicking” or using gravity or centrifugal force to open your blade. You want to use the factory apparatus or thumb stud to open the blade. It is easy to drop or toss your knife while flicking it open, and this also creates wasted movement. It may also telegraph your intent, your weapon, and make more sound. You want to practice the art of subtlety, more like a samurai or medieval duelist than a barbarian or movie hero. After you have mastered the draw, work on speed and economy of motion. Less is better! Once your draw is fluid, then practice opening in the dark. You will find that with enough practice you can keep your eyes on the task or threat without having to look down at your knife. Finally, when you can draw in the dark by feel go to practicing in a lighted room but practice drawing while tying your shoe, bending, getting a wallet with the other hand, while stepping forward, back or sideways, and while issuing verbal commands like “Stop!” You may also want to transition to a defensive stance and be aware that you usually want the knife in a forward dominant hand.

This brings us to grip. How you hold and use the knife is just as important as the knife. You want to cut away from yourself when opening packages, or mail. Same when you are dressing game, whittling a arrow, or prying something. You always want the point and sharp edge to point away from you so that if you slip it will not cut or stab you.

Also, just as important you want the actual grip to be strong and secure so that the knife does not slip away or slip out of your hand completely. When a person is in an emergency, their focus can be easily distracted. Also, adrenaline, sweat, blood, water, oil or physical obstructions could impair or destabilize the grip. Make sure you practice using your knife safely and if you practice using it defensively make sure your grip is secure. One fun thing to do is to gently stab a card board box, then shave the box, then cut the box into pieces. You will see how different jobs and forces will affect grip. Be careful as you can easily get cut during this process.

Grip is also very important during a defensive counter attack. As mentioned above, you want the knife in your dominant hand, lead leg forward. This gives you maximum reach or range to stab or slash at a attacker. Keep the knife in a point forward grip like you would a razor knife to cut drywall for instance. Not like a hammer, or reverse like a ice pick. People with professional knife fighting training will sometimes use a reverse grip, but that requires training and is beyond the scope of this article. Basically you want as much room as you can get between you and the attacker, and you want to be able to cut without exposing your vital areas to the attacker. The most basic way to do this is as mentioned dominant hand forward, lead leg forward. You can also lunge forward this way or spring backward and still be able to counter attack.

Some tips in general for the folding knife and the survivalist:

  • Carry the longest blade you can legally carry in your state. Be reasonable on this! There are unusual 6 inch folders, but why not get a fixed blade at that point?
  • The knife should blend or be concealable, and should be easily accessed.
  • Get brand name knives including custom folders from well known makers.
  • Key chain or other gimmick knives do not fit the bill of the robust folding survival knife. These might work as a secondary or tertiary knife however.
  • Consider your secondary knife to work weak handed as a back-up.
  • Also consider a multi-tool as back up. They usually have locking blades with a variety of designs.
  • Make sure the handle is not too slippery or too shiny. You want a secure grip and something that blends in with your wardrobe.
  • Learn to disassemble, clean, sharpen, and oil your knife. Look at a small sharpener for your key chain, pocket or survival kit.
  • Although double edged folders are out there remember to be reasonable and to keep it legal. Also, single edged knives are more utilitarian in nature.
  • Make sure the knife stays on your belt or in your pocket.
  • Carry it every day everywhere you go, including in your robe, underwear or sleep garments, exercise clothes, or business suit. Take it off when you are actually sleeping or bathing.
  • Be careful carrying other gear in the same area. Sometimes the knife may open in your pocket and you could get a nasty cut. Make sure the knife blade is not too loose, and this is also another good reason to buy a quality knife design.
  • Use your knife! Don”t be afraid to dull it or scratch it. It is a tool for one, and also it is a survival item that must be tested and proven.
  • Practice the draw regularly as mentioned above.
    • Consider this a “Every Day Carry” item. Do not get into the habit of taking it off, or throwing it on the table or in the car. Would a samurai throw his sword away to go to the bathroom, read, or train? No way and neither should you.
Copyright 2008 by duracles. Reprint permission granted if article remains completely intact.

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Could YOU Evacuate? Preparing for Disaster

Posted on 11 February 2013 by duracles

It is interesting to me that as Hurricane Gustav neared, people watching TV just casually said “Well, they better evacuate.” Which brings to my mind a nagging question:

“Have YOU ever been forced to evacuate?” Rapidly followed by “How easy is it?”

I mean really, how easy is it to get the kids, family, pets, and all the gear necessary to leave for an unexpected event together and leave. I have never been forced to evacuate, but damn the headache involved is pretty stressful in itself for me. I also don”t live in Louisiana, but I do live in a state where there has been forced evacuations due to chemical spills, shootouts, tornadoes and floods.

First, how do you afford it? It can”t be cheap to just miss work, use extra gas, stay in a hotel, eat on the road, and pay for any tolls, medical emergencies, and whatever else you encounter during the hopefully motorized vehicular evac. That is if you have a vehicle road-worthy enough to make a trip somewhere out of state. How many of us have the sick days at work? What if you have a job where you simply cannot leave, and the rest of the family must leave without you, what then?

That”s a short look at the financial end. If it is life or death, and you must do it with what you have on hand I guess there is no choice. What about logistical concerns such as vehicle, gas, food, where to stay, where to go, who to leave, take, and whom to contact etc. If I were to pack up now tonight, I simply wouldn”t have enough clean underwear to begin with. Sounds humorous but its true. What would I do with my pets, plants, collectibles, valuables, trash, dirty dishes and so forth?

At the least I”d have a smelly place to come back to. With a hurricane or other disaster. you might NOT have a place to come back to. So with this reality plainly for folks to contend with, how do you not prepare?

The question is not easy to answer.


Image courtesy of Witthaya / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Back to financial concerns. Who has the money when life is hectic enough and filled with mini-disasters. My kid got sick, the car broke down, I”m late on the mortgage, I had to wire my parents some money, birthdays, it just never stops!

How many of us have life insurance? Health insurance? Car insurance? Investments or investment properties? We need to change our perspective on disaster preparation and begin to consider it a long term and low-risk investment. It”s really as easy as that. And it is just like car insurance; when you need it you REALLY need it and right now!

Example: A high quality tent is about $400.00 and I”m talking a four-season tent designed for three people. Basically the kind that houses people on Everest and on the Appalachian Trail. These tents can be lived in rough, hard conditions for fairly long amounts of time. A tent like this CAN be used to camp, hunt, fish, or use for the kids in the backyard. You can definitely use the tent, and still have it for emergencies. A long-term low-risk investment with the added benefit of “you can use it now.”

Let”s look at another example: Bottled water. Same thing as the tent. Durable design, safe, lasts a long time, can use it now or save it for an emergency. Need I go on?

It really is as easy as buying a few things when you have the cash. You can use a credit card if you want, but most gear is under $500 and this includes firearms. Why not save a little cash in the savings account, earn some interest and then get the money one day and buy some gear. No interest to pay this way. Some survival gear makes good presents too. Who hasn”t given someone a flashlight, Swiss army knife, or a pair of gloves as a gift sometime in their life?

Cash on hand is good too. You really need to have a little cash to grab for an emergency. Believe me, there will be a line at the ATM when you are evacuating the city in an emergency. Everyone will be doing the same stuff, so don”t be surprised when bottled water, flashlight batteries, and fuel is gone or tripled in price. There is always someone out there ready to capitalize on your misfortune, emergency or not.

For those of us without any extra funds: You can do allot by simply using what you have. If you have a suitcase, gym bag, or even a trash bag that you can use. pack it now. Put in extra clothes, blanket, shoes, kitchen knife, tools, canned food, jar of pennies etc. Just because you are broke doesn’t mean you don”t have the gear needed, you might have to search or be creative but what matters is that you pack it now.

In closing, although survival and disaster preparations are somewhat expensive it really pays to have the gear when you really need it. Ever have your car run out of gas in the middle of nowhere? Or gone to change your flat tire and realized you had no lug wrench? No car jack? No spare tire? It is easy to sit in an armchair and watch television and carelessly judge people and their choices. But when the person is you or your loved one, judgment could be very harsh. It could come in the form of needless suffering, hassle, or even cost one their life.

Basic Evacuation Kit:

  • Backpack or duffel bag
  • Bottled water, water purification pills or pump, container to carry water, and to boil water
  • Lighter, matches, magnesium starter, cotton & Vaseline
  • Map of state
  • Identification, vehicle papers, phone numbers
  • Cellular phone
  • Set of good rugged travel clothes and shoes/boots
  • Hat, jacket, gloves, sunglasses
  • medications, medical kit
  • Travel foods such as jerky, dried fruits, fresh fruits, chocolate, snacks for kids
  • Camp Axe and folding shovel
  • Tent
  • sleeping bags or blankets
  • camp mattress
  • Flashlight, extra batteries, lantern, candles
  • Toilet paper, paper towels, wash soap, towel, mirror
  • Cash
  • Radio and batteries
  • Knife, can opener, eating utensils
  • Camping or backpack stove, pots and pans for cooking, cooking oil, wash cloth
  • Some form of personal protection: Mace spray, legal firearm, baseball bat. something!
  • Automotive parts, spare tire, gas can, jumper cables, fix-a-flat, jack, basic tools

Disaster kits must be portable, water resistant, and ready to go. Place it in the trunk, by your door, in the garage, or in a closet by your entry/exit. Remember to keep it light, quiet, and pack essentials. Should not weigh so much that it cannot be carried for long distances on foot. Avoid military bags if possible, and make it something less obvious. Do not pack illegal items.

Copyright 2008 by duracles. Reprint permission granted if article remains completely intact.

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Bug Out Bags & Survival Kits: Specialized Gear Items

Posted on 13 January 2013 by duracles

This is a sort of re-write of an older post on specialized items and ideas for your Bug Out Bag (BOB) or other survival kits. Sometimes we need to think outside the box, or plan for real life disasters that could happen during an evacuation. Obvious things like a flat tire could slow you down or not so apparent things like spare house keys for someone arriving after an event. Do you really want to leave your doors unlocked or have to break in to get a forgotten item? Other things are for counter-surveillance, repairs, or often overlooked items. Planning for the unknown is as important as planning for known hazards. Weather, chemical hazards, earthquakes and the like are more common scenarios….but what else can happen? Terrorist attacks, riots, psychotic gunmen, looters, even roving groups of refugees; many things happen that people do not plan for.

Please post your unconventional or specialized survival kit items as well. No illegal gear please.

      • Spare Keys to Home, Car, & Work- It is really expensive to call a locksmith in the middle of the night, let alone a huge disaster or evacuation. Spare keys to home, cars, and businesses will save hassle, and possibly help someone arriving late or bugging out in a separate vehicle. Keep keys on person, hide them, or lock them in a special outdoor box.
      • Fix a Flat- This stuff works pretty well. It isn’t the same as a spare tire, but it usually takes less time and gets you pretty far. It may just get you to a safer place to repair the tire or put on a spare.
      • Camouflage Netting- Need to hide a car fast? Netting is much faster than using cut bushes and branches. Also works well to hide a tent, or other make-shift shelter. Why hide? Looters, beggars, bad-guys, the unprepared, etc may be out to take your stuff. This item isn’t for everyone, but those by wooded areas, or remote areas could benefit from this item.
      • Digital Voice Recorder– Note ideas or routes during emergency, record message to loved ones (on route, important items, where things are, where you will go, etc), and keep a sort of journal of events. Usually they are somewhat cheap $30-$100 and fit in a pocket. They are about the size of a pack of gum. Stash it in a place only you and family members know about at home, work or cache site.
      • Rechargeable Spotlight- Many of these recharge with a 12v lighter adapter, and use bright bulbs. Many are waterproof, and some come with the built in tripod. Have used these hunting, searching for addresses, and for signaling. Most are $20-$80.
      • Night Vision- This can be anything from a hand held scope to a pair of military goggles. Night vision is cheap these days; you can find decent scopes online @ Cabela”s, Harbour Freight, and Wal-mart. Most run on regular batteries. Prices around $80-$1000 depending. Most inexpensive digital video recorders have built in night vision or low-light of some kind.

    • Set of basic hand tools- Just get a selection of pliers, hammers, screwdrivers, and other hand tools. Most of us include a multi-tool of some type, but real construction grade tools can make a big difference. Hard to replace a drill, socket set, or crowbar with a multi-tool. Many times just getting a bunch of spare tools from the garage will suffice. Usually due to weight, this type of addition to a kit is for vehicular use, but not always.
    • Binoculars, monocular, spotting scopes, etc- Self-explanatory but the ability to see far away is pretty advantageous. You can get cheap binoculars starting around $12 and go up from there. Rugged rubberized or armored sets are better, especially those that come weatherproof.
    • Directional Listening Device- These are illegal in some area’s so check laws. Basically this is a sensitive listening device to hear things far away like animals, bad guys, etc. There are also heat sensing devices, blood tracking lights, etc that are more specialized for counter-surveillance preparedness. These types of items vary greatly in price and can be easily found online.
    • Car Battery Jumper Kit- This is usually available at Sears and other hardware or automotive stores. Basically it is a 12v battery that comes with built in cables to jump  a dead car battery. Very handy! Also some models come with hazard signal, radio, spotlight, and power inverter. The power inverter is very hand to power communications equipment, recharge batteries, run power tools, and the like. Usually these run $60 and up.
    • Insulated Coveralls- Carhartt makes this type of clothing, so do many manufacturers. What I really like about these is that they quickly go on OVER the clothes you are wearing, including boots. Fast to put on, warm, and usually somewhat weather-proof; this is a great addition to your kits. The only downfall is the bulky nature of the clothing when stored. Being able to don your coveralls with out getting undressed will save time. Usually they sell these in camo, brown, and black. Some are reversible as well. Many brands are out there and start at $20 and go up.
    • Laptop Computer- These are very important for communication, news, and storing personal info. Spare batteries are nice, but expensive. Strangely, many accounts during Katrina show people ONLY able to contact family by email instead of cellular or land lines. Great for watching movies, and other entertainments especially when children are there. You can get used or refurbished laptops for anywhere from $150-$400.
  • Pets & Pet Food- Don’t leave your little buddies behind! It may take a while to get back to rescue them. Bring food, water, etc. Dogs will be handy for carrying gear and some are good for an early warning system. Dog backpacks are available so Rover can carry his own food and treats. There are also rubberized dog boots for paw protection. For smaller pets you may need pet carriers…especially to board any type of transportation other than the family car.
  • Misc. Personal Necessities- Can’t live without your special neck-pain pillow? Orthopedic devices for daily function? Can you only use certain soaps, lotions, or other hygienic agents? Seriously, many folks need specific items to be able to function on a daily basis. Personally, I have a few that would make my time a mess if I were bugging out without them. This also includes things like spare contact lenses, spare eyeglasses, prescription medications and the like. I have a buddy that gets migraines and if he doesn’t pack his meds, the stress of an evacuation could render him helpless and/or useless to his family.
  • Map books, GPS, State Maps, Recreational Maps- Get these things now before you need them. If you intend to bug out to another city or state, get maps to these areas. Plan out an escape route, then plan a 2nd and 3rd. Map these on Google Maps or the like, and give copies to family. You can also keep them in your car, in your safe or safety deposit box at the bank for others to claim later. GPS is very convenient, fast, and cheap but keep paper maps as a back up. I like to coat maps with waterproofing, or have them laminated. Some companies sell pre-laminated map books as well.

Keep this gear with other emergency gear to grab fast. Keep near the door, in a car, or cached for emergency access. Other survival kit basics such as food, water, shelter, signal, fire, and defensive gear should be kept there as well.

The Wild fires in CA are a good example of needing to go in a moments notice. Some things cannot be taken, or are too bulky….Home fire safes are good for family pictures, jewelry, and important documents such as ID, wills, deeds, and other banking information. If you live in a fire danger area get the highest fire rating possible. Most quality safes are rated for a 1 hour burn time. Cheap safes are only rated for ½ hour. All safes should be screwed down, or bolted to the floor to prevent easy removal by a thief. Keep safes hidden or low-profile in the home.

Copyright 2009 by duracles. Reprint permission granted if article remains completely intact.

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5.11 Rush 72 Backpack

Posted on 22 December 2012 by duracles

Recently because of the “Doomsday Preppers” series, the Walking Dead and other reasons I have been re-vamping my BOB”s and other kits. I decided I wanted to update my pack to a 5.11 Rush 72.and lo and behold! I find a video with a guy that used the same pack but really did an excellent amazing job not only equipping it but making a 3 part series and PDF explaining the kit in minute details!

5.11 Rush 72 Backpack, Bug Out Bag by Urban Prepper:

Its funny how the are coincidences like this when you are on the right track. You start to run into things that make your project easier, fall in line with your thinking, and help you on the way.  Hope you enjoy the series as much as I did! My hat is off to The Urban Prepper who not only did an outstanding job with this video, but has many video reviews, and product suggestions.

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